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Baptism: this Sacrament is the basis of the whole Christian life, and the door which gives access to the other Sacraments. Baptism begins our initiation into the Body of Christ, the Church. The first of three Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism makes us one with Jesus, officially a member of His Body, the Church, and removes original sin from us.


For more information about baptismal preparation for infants through the age of six, please contact Deacon Dave Karpanty at 419-385-7227 or


For information about baptismal preparation for a child above the age of six (first grade or above), please contact Alex McCormack at or call 419-381-1540.


Reconciliation: the sacrament which heals us from the damage that sin causes us. We become forgiven by our Lord Jesus and healed from the rupture with others that sin always causes. 


Reconciliation is available on Saturday from 3:00PM to 4:00PM and by appointment by calling the church office at 419-381-1540.


Information for First Reconciliation preparation is received when the student registers for First Eucharist. Click here for current program information.


Questions? Please contact:

Alex McCormack



First Eucharist

Eucharist: this Sacrament, the source and summit of the Christian life, takes being one with Jesus to a whole new level! Within the context of a meal, instituted at the Last Supper of Jesus, we pray as a Church, celebrate God’s love in giving us Jesus, and finally receive as food the Body and Blood of Jesus, Himself. Partaking fully at the Eucharist officially completes our initiation into the Church after receiving Baptism and Confirmation. This Sacrament is a sacrament of love, a sign or unity and a bond of charity.


Preparation for First Eucharist or First Communion is generally done in the 2nd Grade year. Preparation programs are available for older students as well.


Click here for current program information.


Questions? Please contact:

Alex McCormack 



Confirmation: this Sacrament completes the gifts of the Holy Spirit, first given to us at Baptism, and strengthens them so that we may witness for Christ to a world that needs Him so desperately. Through receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are empowered to carry out our obligation to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.


Confirmation is conferred in the spring of the 8th grade year for students. Meeting and registration information is distributed in the fall of the 8th grade year.


Click here for current program information.


Questions may be directed to:

Alex McCormack at or call 419-381-1540.



Marriage: the special Sacrament of vocation, or calling, where a man and a woman give of themselves completely to each other, imitating Jesus' giving of Himself to the Church.


Please contact the parish office for pre-Cana class information and scheduling. Additionally, feel free to download the following:


Anointing the Sick

Anointing of the Sick: when we need physical or mental healing from sickness or disease or pandemic, Jesus gives us this sacrament to help us heal.


Please contact the parish office at 419-381-1540 to make arrangements.

Holy Orders

Holy Orders: also a Sacrament of vocation, whereby those called to be priests or permanent deacons are formally consecrated by the Church for service to the Church and to the world.


Thinking of a vocation to the priesthood or permanent diaconate? Contact Fr. Mark or Fr. Dave.


You can find more information on the priesthood in the Diocese of Toledo by clicking here. Or contact Rev. Phil Smith, Director Diocesan Priestly Vocations at (419) 214-4945 |


You can find more information on the deaconate in the Diocese of Toledo by clicking here. Or contact Deacon Daniel Brahier, PhD, Delegate for Permanent Deacons at



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St. Patrick of Heatherdowns,  4201 Heatherdowns Blvd. Toledo, OH 43614  |  |  Tel: 419-381-1540

School Fax: 419-389-1161

Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm, closed 12pm-1pm for lunch

St. Patrick of Heatherdowns is a 501(c)(3) Organization committed to the proclamation of the good  news of Jesus Christ in word and sacrament. St. Patrick of Heatherdowns School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.


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